Advertise with us.
Business Advertising Packages
Ads/Banner Ads will appear in 3 Radio websites
Download advertising forms here: ad forms
Call: Jean-Marie Pierre (347) 350-8822

#1 $600 per Year

  • Website Top Banner (500×80 random)
  • Link to your own webpage/website
  • Your Ad in our Listings
  • Flash Banner (180×280) in homepage + throughout the site

#2 $400 per Year

  • Website Top Banner (500×80 random)
  • Link to your own webpage/website
  • Your Ad in our Listings

#3 $1,200 per Year

  • Your Audio Commercial will play on the Internet, FM, Call-to-listen & Phone App on 3 Radios in Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island.

Website Top Banner (500×80 random)

SPECIAL SPONSOR Banner (180×280 random)


Our innovative “call-to-listen”™ platform allows listeners to connect to the radio station through a simple telephone call and listen to our radio live.

Download advertising forms here
ad forms